Monday 19 March 2012

Methods Available for Hair Transplantation:

As with the availability of several hair restoration procedures, the donor scalp section of various shapes and sizes can be moved from one scalp position and transplanted in to another. Preserving the follicular group results in, detecting a patchy clump of hair density. In order to get acceptable results multiple sessions of hair transplantation are required in order to yield natural looking hair.

Even though the methods of follicular grafts transplantation have improved but still up to recent times these follicles are placed individually through out the donor area. Even though this does not appear as bad as plugs still on a close examination difference can be noticed from the apparent hair can be noticed due to the absence of 1-4 follicular grouping.

These techniques of follicular unit grafting is the only medical hair restoration technique which provides natural grouping and distribution of hair throughout the balding areas. This distribution is essential ensuring that hair transplantation is not marooned with in the sea of baldness as hair loss progresses.