Wednesday 14 March 2012

Large Sessions Of Hair Transplantation:

The techniques of follicular unit transplantation can be used to achieve the goals of the best possible cosmetic results in context to the patient’s donor reserves in trying to get maximum number grafts transplanted with in one session. These sessions and surgeries of Hair Transplantation shouldn’t be considered as a marathon in which the winner takes all while the loser can die because of exhaustion. This process of hair transplantation is a surgical procedure where the placement of every graft counts.
There can be many benefits of large sessions of follicular unit transplantation. These methods and techniques of follicular unit transplantation were first published by Bernstein and Rassman in 1995. Some of the major benefits of these Hair Transplantation Sessions are explained below.

Benefits of Large Sessions Of Hair Transplantation:

1.   These surgical means are used for accomplishing the main goals of hair restoration in establishing a hairline, frames of the face and providing a way to cover the bald scalp.
2.    Helps in creating a distribution upon there own.
3.    Provides surgical advantages of transplanting into the virgin scalp.
a.     The original blood supply remains intact.
b.    The elasticity of the connective tissue remains normal.
c.     The grafts can be placed together.
d.    The survival of grafts can be optimized.
4.    Provides surgical benefits to virgin donor areas as well.
a.     Due to the presence of maximum density, a great number of grafts can be obtained covering the size of the donor strip.
b.    The factor of maximum scalp mobility is equal to the chance of hairline donor closure.
c.     The normal angle of hair is equal to the follicular transactions.