Monday, 9 April 2012

Patterns of Baldness in Females:

The hormone system of female consists of both estrogens as well as testosterone. Thus the depletion of protective estrogen and the over production of testosterone exerts a force on the hair follicles hence making hair to become thinner.

Typically the hair loss with in females follows two patterns. The first is the diffuse hair loss in which the patterns are spread all over the scalp. This results in decreasing the density of hair on scalp. In most cases hair loss with in female do not lead in to causing total baldness, hence only a certain part of the scalp gets affected. As with the advancements in technology classification for female hair loss pattern charts are available which has made it possible to perform hair transplantation surgeries with in females.

Like males, hair loss with in females can also begin at any age after the teenage years. Hair Loss with in female mostly occurs during the menopause or perimenopause stage when the estrogens levels with in the bodies of females fluctuate. Fluctuating levels of estrogens with the body can only lead to temporary baldness.