Sunday, 22 April 2012

Illness & Crystal Healing:

The working of Crystal Healing will not result in any miraculous type of healing. Having a dedication towards healing all areas of life with use of crystals is the first step. The use and working of crystals is now a part of the new ways of life, but its no a magic pill. Like if you have cancer you have to go to a doctor, but the use of crystals might bring out some miraculous result when used in conjunction with the medical ways of treatment.

There can be up to several reasons behind the manifestations and illness of the body. All of these sources of illnesses can be linked with emotions. Some times a symptom might be healed systematically, but if the emotional root isn’t healed the illness can be reappear in the body. Thus it’s important to treat these emotional pain using the ways and procedures of crystal healing in order to ultimate success and living a life without illnesses.