Saturday, 28 April 2012

Free PC to Cell Phone Online Text Messaging:

No doubt one the most useful innovations in the industry of mobile computing is the service and technology of short messaging service or SMS. Even though using this service is not free of cost but still a huge number of telecommunication companies are found charging a fee for every SMS that is sent. Charging an amount of fee is one way of controlling the use of this text messaging service. Otherwise the whole telecommunication network of the cell phone service provider can be found getting chocked due to the intense amount of traffic generated as a result of these SMS. These services of SMS are mostly known by the terms of text messaging and this technology is capable of allowing text data communication between two cell phone devices.    

With the advancements in technology the service of text messaging has expanded, allowing PC to cell phone communication to take place. Now whether you are using a cell phone or a PC you can always get connected with the members of family, friends and loved ones through means SMS. The best benefit of using online text messaging using a PC when compared to cell phone carriers is that online text messaging stands free.   

How to send a Text Message to a Cell Phone using a Computer?

Texting a cell phone user using a Computer is rather considered easy and simple when compared with a cell phone. All what’s required is having a computer, an email account and an access to internet. The part about sending text messages using a computer is that this process is free, convenient and useful for sending text messages in bulk.

Shared below are the instructions how to use PC to Cell Phone Text Messaging service.

1.       The first step is to write down the cellular phone number of the person you want to text. This number which you are going to enter is going to be the cellular phone number of the person whom you will be sending a text message using your computer. Remember one thing land line phones don’t provide service of text messaging. Knowing the cell phone carrier of the person to whom you are going to be texting is helpful but not beneficial.
2.       Open up the email program and compose the message which you want to send. Remember one thing that the message which you will send should be less then 160 characters. If you try to write any more characters after this they won’t fit in. Any thing you will write in the subject line will count in the total number characters being sent.   
3.       For example if the person  you are texting has a service of AT&T, then the address of the text message will be the cell phone number followed by””. 

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Illness & Crystal Healing:

The working of Crystal Healing will not result in any miraculous type of healing. Having a dedication towards healing all areas of life with use of crystals is the first step. The use and working of crystals is now a part of the new ways of life, but its no a magic pill. Like if you have cancer you have to go to a doctor, but the use of crystals might bring out some miraculous result when used in conjunction with the medical ways of treatment.

There can be up to several reasons behind the manifestations and illness of the body. All of these sources of illnesses can be linked with emotions. Some times a symptom might be healed systematically, but if the emotional root isn’t healed the illness can be reappear in the body. Thus it’s important to treat these emotional pain using the ways and procedures of crystal healing in order to ultimate success and living a life without illnesses.

What is Phlebotomy?

The term Phlebotomy is used to refer to a medical procedure which involves removing the blood from an individual with the use of needles. The other term used for phlebotomy is termed as venesection, which involves extraction of blood through an incision in to the vein. These procedures of phlebotomy are carried out either by a nurse or a phlebotomist. There can be up to several reasons and purposes for which phlebotomy can be carried out. These procedures of phlebotomy require samples of the patient’s blood to be taken for analysis and diagnostics of diseases. These procedures of phlebotomy are generally considered being a safe and risk free procedure.

Purpose of Phlebotomy:
The most common use of Phlebotomy is to test the blood collected from patients. Diagnostic and analysis is performed on the collected blood samples for the identification of diseases. These procedures of Phlebotomy can even be performed from transfusion of blood from one individual in to the other.
These procedures of Phlebotomy can be also be used for treating patients having several blood disorders. The procedures for phlebotomy utilized for this purpose is termed as therapeutic phlebotomy. Patient suffering from disease of Polcythemia Vera also require Phlebotomy. Polcythemia is a disease or a condition in which the red blood cells on the blood gets increased. Phlebotomy is also used for treating patients suffering from hepatitis B, C and hemochromatosis. 

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Crystals Healing and Chakras:

The terms Chakras are used for describing spinning wheels of conscious energy. There are up to 7 major and 50 minor chakras. These chakras are known for absorbing all the life energy (Prana) from the human body. Thus the blockage in the flow of this natural energy are found affecting the person on 3 levels which are being physical, mental and spiritual. This absorption of energy (Prana) has a healing quality, which is more the amount of energy which gets absorbed by the body through chakras, more it helps to keeps the body of an individual being healthy and balanced.

In the procedures of Crystal Healing these crystals must be placed over the chakra points. Crystals of various colors are utilized for the healing process to create a tranquil of emotion along with an alternative state of mind. There are different color crystals associated with various chakras of the human body. Each color crystal when placed over the chakra is found affect the whole area of the body associated with that chakra. These procedures these procedures of Crystal Healing play a vital role in healing and harmonizing the energy stored with in the human body.

History of Phlebotomy:

Phlebotomy apart from being the world’s first medical practices is also considered as being the cruelest. It might appear shocking that these ways and procedures of phlebotomy are still being carried out up to the current date. This term of Phlebotomy means blood letting or blood drawing. Therefore Phlebotomy is a medical procedure which is practiced for drawing blood from an individual which might be considered harmful for the health of an individual.

How did Phlebotomy Began:
This term of Phlebotomy has got its origin from several different ancient cultures which include the Mesopotamians, Greeks and the Mayans. One can very well imagine the tools used for the operating patients at time would have been crude.  How were they able to cut in to the human body?  The tools used for this purpose were the “Lancet” or the “Fleam”. From the pictures shared you can very well imagine that these tools used with in the ancient times do not resemble the tool used in the modern times of today.

Apart from this other tools used which were used included the “Scarification and Cupping”. These tools had a brunch of tiny razors blades which were used in order to cut in to the surface of the skin and leech or suck the patient’s blood.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Email Arching Benefits:

The implementation of Email Archiving is always considered the best for either public or financial service firms. The researches made on Email Archiving have revealed that they can benefit all size of businesses and industries in the below mentioned ways.

1.       Legal

In today’s world there are a lot of risks involved from employee’s use of email communication. The employers are found taking a hold on monitoring of these communications. There fore the methods of email archiving have made it easier for employees in order to monitor email communications of employees. Keeping a record or archiving of emails is also considered useful in issues of legal outcomes and employee email misuse.

2.       Productivity:

Email Archiving can also be helpful in increasing the levels of productivity among employees. These procedures of Email Archiving are also considered useful in freeing up the space available on the servers. With the help of storing emails off sire, the productivity of the network system along with security of data is found to increase.

3.       Disasters:

Maintaining a backup of your servers is also considered useful in issues such as disasters. When ever there is any deletion of record either due to hardware failure or an accident, the business can stay assure that there is no loss of data what so ever.

4.       Costs of IT:

These services of Email Archiving systems are also considered useful in freeing up your IT staff time.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Patterns of Baldness in Females:

The hormone system of female consists of both estrogens as well as testosterone. Thus the depletion of protective estrogen and the over production of testosterone exerts a force on the hair follicles hence making hair to become thinner.

Typically the hair loss with in females follows two patterns. The first is the diffuse hair loss in which the patterns are spread all over the scalp. This results in decreasing the density of hair on scalp. In most cases hair loss with in female do not lead in to causing total baldness, hence only a certain part of the scalp gets affected. As with the advancements in technology classification for female hair loss pattern charts are available which has made it possible to perform hair transplantation surgeries with in females.

Like males, hair loss with in females can also begin at any age after the teenage years. Hair Loss with in female mostly occurs during the menopause or perimenopause stage when the estrogens levels with in the bodies of females fluctuate. Fluctuating levels of estrogens with the body can only lead to temporary baldness.  

Why to get Hair Transplantation:

If you are a person who is suffering from baldness or issues of hair loss, then there is no need what so ever to wear a wig or hair pieces. With due to the advancements in medical science ways and procedures of Hair Transplantation Surgeries are available in order to an end to hair fall and loss once and for all.

If you opt for ways and techniques of hair transplantation, then for sure there is no need what so ever to drugs like Rogaine or Propecia for slowing down the process of Hair Loss.

Once a person begins to loose hair, the self esteem and confidence of a person totally gets shattered. Thus hair transplantation solutions are the only way to get natural looking hair restored on your scalp and bring back your lost confidence and self esteem. 

Once you are through with hair transplantation surgeries, your relationships are found to improve. You may also gain respect among your coworkers and employees. Hair Transplantation is considered as being the best way to improve your appearance and over all looks. 

Saturday, 7 April 2012

How to deliver no cost SMS Text Messages on the Web:

There can be up to thousands of items which can be of worth carrying on this planet. Like wise for people searching for Jobs or for people to enjoy a good deal on products and for a wide range of causes sending SMS online can provide the best benefits in terms of costs. The basic aim of this post is to make people aware of the fact that how can one utilize Free SMS or text messaging services in order to gain success. Shared below are three major steps that are going to help you in being able to send Free SMS online.

1.       The first and foremost step is to choose a website which provides a SMS program. Finding such programs is going to be easy as appropriate companies websites can be found on the web which provide the facility to send free of charge SMS.
2.       One you have selected a website, the next stage is to get your self registered. It is considered a good approach not to provide or share all your personal data online.
3.       After the registration process the next step is to compose a message by type in cell numbers of friends followed by message and get engaged in communicating with your friends.

How to Send Free SMS & Wishes:

No doubt sending SMS or text message has become the best option of staying in touch and wishing your friends or loved ones. On New Yeas Night and other events the celebrations get on their peak. Most commonly charge of an SMS is almost 1.5 INR per SMS as charged by the network service provider you have subscribed too.

Sending SMS at these rates is surely a burden for many people who look forward in getting connected with friends. As per the laws of Indian Government each and every customer will be charged for sending any type of SMS. Thus there are no tariffs what so ever available on sending SMS at a reduced cost using your cell phone network service.

In such cases, one can gain the facility of sending Free SMS using online services. What all required to avail these online services for sending SMS is a computer along with an internet connection. Some of the features provided by these by these online services are shared below.

1.       Sending SMS at No Charges what so ever.
2.      Being able to send almost 200 SMS daily.
3.       Provides instant delivery to the recipient.

Crystals Healing & Energy of Natural Quartz:

The crystals of Quartz crystal points and quartz crystal clusters should be present in the home of each and every person in order to restore harmony with in ones life. The crystals of Quartz can be used for the purpose of providing.

1.   Crystal Healing
2.   Meditation
3.   Chakra Balancing & Providing Protection
4.   Changing Bad Vibrations

The crystals of Quartz are used in order to expand mind and spiritual touches of the world. These crystals can even be used to enhance the beneficial forces of life. This Crystal water (the water in which a clear quartz crystal is placed) has been drunk from over centuries and are considered healthy regarding the benefits they are able to provide.
According to the history, it is said the Atlantis got destroyed due to use of incorrect crystals of Quartz. Edgar Cayce spoke regarding the Atlantis that fits the description of the Quartz Crystal. The Bible also includes use of several gemstones to be used for Crystal Healing such as Quartz.

Phlebotomy - A Safe Career:

One of the most attractive thing regarding Phlebotomy and all careers of health care profession is that they are not generally affected by the economic down turn, because of the fact that every one requires medical care. Generally high pays are associated with the job role of Phlebotomy, apart from this there is a lot room open for career progression.

You might be able to find a huge number of employment opportunities for Phlebotomist now days. If you are trained phlebotomist you might also be able to find several opportunities for work in laboratories, hospitals, clinics and medical research. As with the number of opportunities present in this field you will be able to find a huge number of people gaining interest in learning the ways of phlebotomy and becoming a phlebotomist. There are certain steps which required in becoming a phlebotomist out of which the first one is to get a certification or training in phlebotomy

Who are Phlebotomist’s?

In simple words Phlebotomists are specialized people associated with the health care profession who are responsible for drawing blood from the patients. The blood collected can later be used in laboratories in order to provide valuable information to people regarding their health.  
The major responsibility of a Phlebotomist is to draw the blood without causing much harm to the patient. Apart from this there is also a need to ensure that the blood is taken correctly and is safe from harmful contaminants. Once the blood has been taken from the patient, the responsibility of a phlebotomist is to transport the specimen to the correct laboratory where ever it is required.

You might be able to find many phlebotomist’s working on part time basis, and looking to combine phlebotomy as a part of their live by working as a health care professional.
Requirements of Entry:
Up till now there are no specific requirements of entering the field of phlebotomy. But if you have got any certification or training of phlebotomy it can provide you added benefits.
Phlebotomy Training:
The training procedures of phlebotomy will involve on job training along with learning the art and skill of drawing blood from different age groups of patients. The major aim behind this program of phlebotomy is to provide all the necessary knowledge either being practical or theoretical. Mentioned below are lists of some task that you will have to perform while being on training of a Phlebotomy.
1.     Performing procedures of Phlebotomy in the pathology department.
2.     Learning various methods regarding collection of blood.
3.     Learning the art of drawing blood and separating the in to various sample tubes.
4.     Selecting and making a choice for Venepuncture sites.
5.     Considering the health and safety aspects Phlebotomy.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

DHT & it’s effects on Hair Loss:

In today’s world all men are quite familiar with as to what DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is and how it affects hair. DHT is a type of potent androgen which leads to development of male characteristics, which includes growing of facial hair, body hair and muscles. This androgen is also important in deepen the voice of a male. 

How DHT Works:

This DHT is created when an enzyme called as 5 alpha reductase combines with the testosterone. This all causes a chemical reaction to take resulting in a release of excessive levels of DHT. When these DHT reach the follicles, they block the dermal papilla’s which are responsible for re growth of hair on the scalp.

There are up to a thousand cures available which can promise the stop or reduce the ability of Hair Loss caused due to DHT. While Hair Restoration Surgery is the only method available that can not only stop the effect of DHT but also ensure the re growth of hair with on your scalp.