Wednesday 4 April 2012

DHT & it’s effects on Hair Loss:

In today’s world all men are quite familiar with as to what DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is and how it affects hair. DHT is a type of potent androgen which leads to development of male characteristics, which includes growing of facial hair, body hair and muscles. This androgen is also important in deepen the voice of a male. 

How DHT Works:

This DHT is created when an enzyme called as 5 alpha reductase combines with the testosterone. This all causes a chemical reaction to take resulting in a release of excessive levels of DHT. When these DHT reach the follicles, they block the dermal papilla’s which are responsible for re growth of hair on the scalp.

There are up to a thousand cures available which can promise the stop or reduce the ability of Hair Loss caused due to DHT. While Hair Restoration Surgery is the only method available that can not only stop the effect of DHT but also ensure the re growth of hair with on your scalp.